
Bus Driving Management System
Patent number: M547148

Main Purpose: The objective of the Bus Driving Management System is to enhance security and safety of bus operations by monitoring driver’s identity and his/her physical fitness to drive by the iris & facial images, respectively. The system may be applied to the management of intercity buses, city buses, and tour buses

The system includes two cameras, one for identifying iris, and the other for facial images. It also includes an iris identification module, a cloud management module, and a security control module to work with the iris camera. The iris identification module is capable of identifying driver’s iris images and may generate identification signals. The cloud management module may then clarify the driver's identity by the signals from the iris identifying module. The security control module may control the start of engine after the driver’s identity has been cleared. The other camera can capture the driver's facial image for the cloud management module to monitor the driving state. A driving state monitoring module may send an emergency signal to the security control module to trigger an alarm if a danger signal on driver’s physical fitness to drive is detected.


Bus Fuel Consumption Management System
Patent number:M545969

Main Purpose: The objective of the Bus Fuel Consumption Management System is to analyze fuel consumption data as recorded in daily operations for management’s decision on drivers’ bonus and training on eco-driving.

The system includes a database and a fuel analysis module. The database provides storage for (1) fuel bills records; (2) vehicle use information and (3) driver dispatch voucher records. The fuel analysis module can analyze these data to examine fuel consumption performance by driver and by bus. The results may be used by the management to support decisions on bonus allocation and training requirements for drivers.


Intelligent Service Quality Management System
Patent number: M538630

Main Purpose: The objective of the Intelligent Service Quality Management System is to provide up-to-date public opinion about the bus service quality. The system may be applied to various bus operations, including intercity, city and tour bus operations.

The Intelligent Service Quality Management system includes a public opinion query unit, an evaluation query unit and a display module. By applying big data technology, the public opinion query unit can record and analyze public opinions for the bus operators on a daily basis. The evaluation query unit analyzes multiple evaluation criteria for the display module to demonstrate public opinion on the service quality of the operation.


Traffic Conditions Inquiry System
Patent number: M538202

Main Purpose: The objective of a Traffic Conditions Inquiry System is to provide information on the current and projected traffic conditions on designated roadways by using big data technology. The system may be used for travel planning before or during the trip by commercial or private road users.

Inquiry System includes a weather data module, a traffic and environment data module, a big data analysis module and a user query module. The weather data module store region-wide historical weather data. The traffic and environment data module store region-wide environment data. The big data analysis module can conduct short-term projection on traffic conditions and travel time by using historical weather, traffic and environment data by using big data technology. The user query module provides a channel for users to inquire the traffic conditions on designated roadway, and travel time between certain origin/destination pairs.



Public Bike Member Identification System
Patent number: M551155

Main Purpose: The purpose of the member identification system device is to check the identity of the user, and to ensure the user is a registered member of the public bike service system.

The identification system device contains a camera, an iris image module and an iris identification module. The iris image module can generate a special set of signals for identifying user’s iris image from the camera. The set of signals are then sent to the iris identification module and compared with those in the members’ iris database to check if the user is a registered member of the public bike service system.
